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The Art of Ease: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities"

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Harness The Power Within 2 Day Workshop
to 24 Mar

Harness The Power Within 2 Day Workshop

Harness The Power Within

2 Day Workshop

Unlocking Energy Awareness for Healing and Manifestation

"Transform your life with two days of comprehensive energy healing and creative structure training"

I've taught energy work, intuition, and healing around the globe for over a decade.

A few years back I stopped teaching, because it felt like something was missing. That urge took me on a journey to uncover the missing secrets.

I have since found what most therapist and coaches are missing and why results are inconsistent.Through a deep understanding of energy, and these teachings I can help you break through your hidden blocks, see your world from a new perspective & live your life from your most powerful intuitive awareness!

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